How to get the length of an object with Vanilla JavaScript in 3 ways

Published: · Reading time: 2 min

In this article, I’ll show you how to get the length of an object with Vanilla JavaScript in 3 ways.

In JavaScript, there’s no direct way to call the length property on an object.

const planet = {
  name: 'Earth',
  order: 3,
  hasJavaScript: true

// Calling length property on planet object will result in undefined
planet.length // undefined

This is due to the object itself does not possess such property.

planet.hasOwnProperty('length') // false

You can, however, convert an object to an array and then use the length property on it. The JavaScript has three native ways to do so:

  1. Object.keys() method
  2. Object.values() method
  3. Object.entries() method

1. Object.keys() method

This method returns an array of a given object’s own enumerable property names.

const planet = {
  name: 'Earth',
  order: 3,
  hasJavaScript: true

Object.keys(planet) // ['name', 'order', 'hasJavaScript']
Object.keys(planet).length // 3

This approach is fully cross-browser, read full docs on Object.keys() method.

2. Object.values() method

This method returns an array of a given object’s own enumerable property values.

const planet = {
  name: 'Earth',
  order: 3,
  hasJavaScript: true

Object.values(planet) // ['Earth', 3, true]
Object.values(planet).length // 3

This method is not supported by Internet Explorer browser. Find out more about Object.values() method.

3. Object.entries() method

This method returns an array of a given object’s own enumerable string-keyed property [key, value] pairs.

const planet = {
  name: 'Earth',
  order: 3,
  hasJavaScript: true

Object.entries(planet) // [['name', 'Earth'], ['order', 3], ['hasJavaScript', true]]
Object.entries(planet).length // 3

This method is not supported by Internet Explorer browser. Find out more about Object.entries() method.

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