Simple star rating with pure CSS
A star rating is a great way to highlight user satisfaction with a product or a service. You can implement a simple star rating using only CSS, without additional assets like images, fonts, or SVGs.
Blog about web development
A star rating is a great way to highlight user satisfaction with a product or a service. You can implement a simple star rating using only CSS, without additional assets like images, fonts, or SVGs.
You can create beautiful carousels with a fancy and smooth snap effect by implementing a CSS-only solution.
As a developer, you might need to copy certain CSS rules from a website. There are a number of ways to do this, depending on your needs. In this article, I’ll show you how to copy CSS from a website using four different approaches without the need for any additional tools or extensions.
Progress bars are widely used on websites to highlight specific data in a more appealing way for users. One benefit of using a circle progress bar over a regular (horizontal) progress bar is that you can fit more progress bars in one row, thus displaying more data to the user.
To make your UI consistent across different browsers you can create custom scrollbars on your website with a sprinkle of pure CSS. However there are some exceptions, let’s find out more below.